Visiting Scholars: 2018

Farewell, Sascha Grotjahn and Kilian Mueller! Safe travels back to Regensburg

Uphill Catalysis
Electron Transfer Mediated Cross-Couplings
C-F Functionalization

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Foci of the Weaver Research Group

Chemists’ ability to synthesize molecules has quietly and undeniably enriched the world around us.  For instance, chemists have played an intimate role in the discovery and development of; energy efficient materials used to build homes, polymeric material found in electronic displays, life-saving drugs that combat illness, and crop protection chemicals that make it possible to feed the world.  Moving forward chemists are well positioned to solve many more of the world’s problems.  The Weaver group contributes to these efforts at the fundamental level in which the primary interest is pushing the frontiers of synthetic chemistry.  Specifically, the Weaver group seeks to develop novel methodology (i.e. chemical reactions) that allows more efficient access to important molecular motifs with greater structural diversity than previously possible.  Alternatively, we seek to enable access to inaccessible chemical space-which has unknown potential.  Finally, the Weaver group seeks to investigate the properties of these new molecules by collaborating with others scientists who can screen these compounds for interesting activity.